In the “Peninsula” of Giudecca

Client Spazio Punch
Category Visual Identity, Exhibition
Sector Art/Culture
Year 2021
Materials Brochure, Flyer, Poster, Postcards

The latest collaboration with Spazio Punch of Venice is the image for the exhibition Penisola. Committenza, Eredità, Ricerca tra Editoria e Fotografia (Peninsula. Patronage, Legacy, Research in Publishing and Photography).

On its tenth anniversary it was only fitting that Spazio Punch organised an exhibition dedicated to publishing and photography, two disciplines at the forefront of its interests and research. Curated by Augusto Maurandi and Giulia Morucchio, the exhibition presents seven publishing projects involving seven Italian photographers with different backgrounds and styles – Mario Cresci, Paolo Roversi, Alberto di Lenardo, Mattia Balsamini, Jacopo Benassi, Francesca Gardini and Giovanna Silva – whose works become protagonists of the environment in a space conceived and set up for the occasion by Zaven. The image of the exhibition is an interpretation of the primary meaning of the concept of “peninsula”, letters that draw the outline of our country, in an ideal “journey through Italy” that standardises differences but does not assimilate them. The catalogue accompanying the exhibition is composed of a sort of travel dossier: individual postcards presenting the still life work of each author, and unbound four-page signatures depicting the work contextualised in the exhibition space: each postcard is accompanied on the back by an extract of the relative editorial project, and displayed in the bookshop.